Experimental Worlds in Rottweil – Actively shaping the future of the region together

Introducing children and young people to working life and its associated issues while helping them become sufficiently mature to embark on an apprenticeship and in doing so cultivating the next generation of skilled workers for companies in the region – these are the goals of the Experimental Worlds in Rottweil.

Our company shares this objective of nurturing the next generation and ensuring that companies in the region will be able to source adequate skilled labour. So it was only natural that we felt the urge to team up in this project as a partner to Campus Schule-Wirtschaft geG. It is yet another building block in safeguarding the future of our company and a fantastic addition to our ModernWork jobs for people with flexible schedules.

But what are the Experimental Worlds exactly?

This science exhibition opened its doors in 2020. The 41 exhibits invite students, teachers and families to enjoy exploring and experimenting with scientific phenomena. It is a playful way to introduce visitors to natural sciences and engineering. From Pythagoras, Newton’s pendulum and Coriolis force to the reaction test, marble run and marble ballet or various logical and dexterity experiments, it is a wonderful opportunity to discover new things or to experience theory at first hand – and not just for children and youngsters. It is also a welcome change for adults and seasoned professionals to rediscover new and familiar phenomena in a refreshingly innovative guise.

But the Experimental Worlds are not the final stage in this development. Another space for new Working Worlds is currently in preparation. Slated to open in summer 2023, visitors will be able to immerse themselves in real and virtual worlds of work.

Already introduced back in 2013, the Impulse Worlds and a climbing day at the K5 climbing centre in Rottweil round off the ‘Range of Worlds’.

We are proud to be a partner to these Worlds. Regional innovation with Ätztechnik Herz.


Link: https://campus-schule-wirtschaft.de/experimentierwelten/

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