Ätztechnik Herz among the TOP 100

Ätztechnik Herz among the TOP 100

Epfendorf company makes it into Germany’s innovation elite/ Award from TOP 100 mentor Ranga Yogeshwar

Epfendorf am Neckar – For the 23rd time now, the most innovative German small and medium-sized companies have been singled out for the TOP 100 award. This year, Ätztechnik Herz GmbH & Co. KG is one of this innovative elite. The company from Epfendorf previously went through a rigorous scientific selection process. This looked in particu-lar at innovation management and success. Mentor of the innovation competition, Ranga Yogeshwar, presented the awards to the top inno-vators at the Small and Medium-Sized Company Summit on 24 June in Essen.

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